BCTLC Exec. nominations, Festival of Learning – call for proposals (Open Ed., Scholarly & ETUG), and date change for the BCTLC meeting:
The Call for Nominations for the BCTLC Executive occurred on February 23 (email from Peter Arthur) for a Chair and Chair-Elect. See other post for details. Nominations deadline: March 15.
Planning for the BC Festival of Learning is well underway! The call for proposals for Open Education, Scholarly Inquiry and Educational Technology sessions is open until March 21 (Extension!). Some parts of the schedule have been posted and registration is coming soon! Need accommodations? Book yours soon!
The BCTLC meeting will take place during the Festival on Thursday, June 9 from 12 noon to 4 pm instead of the originally scheduled date in May. Please indicate if you are/are not attending to Liesel Knaack.