Who We Are

The British Columbia Teaching & Learning Council consists of a community of leaders from British Columbia’s public post-secondary education system. Our mission is to provide local, provincial and national leadership on issues, challenges, and directions around teaching, learning technologies, scholarly practice, student learning, and related topics to facilitate the enhancement of high-quality teaching and learning cultures across the B.C. system.


The partnership between BCcampus and the BCTLC is powerful and benefits our respective organizations as well as the entire public post-secondary system in B.C. We provide financial, administrative, and technical support so the BCTLC can continue to create a space for candid discussions about teaching and learning, raise awareness about relevant issues, and represent the sector through provincial committees and decision-making organizations.

As a non-voting member of the BCTLC, BCcampus is proud to be part of its success in improving teaching, student learning, and digital learning technologies for faculty, staff, and students across the province.

Amanda Coolidge, executive director, BCcampus

BCTLC West Coast Teaching Excellence Awards

An awards program is to celebrate excellence in teaching in the publicly-funded colleges, institutes, and universities of British Columbia and the Yukon by acknowledging those individuals who exemplify such excellence.


Members of the BCTLC are grateful to live, work, and be in relation with people from across many traditional and unceded territories, covering all regions of British Columbia. We are honoured to live on this land and are committed to reconciliation, decolonization, and building relationships in our communities and schools.

Suggested Land Acknowledgements for Institutions in B.C.