The Symposium on Scholarly Teaching and Learning has continued to be talked about in many circles. Eric Davis and Teresa Dawson were the keynotes. Archived video of their keynotes are available online. Minutes from our BCTLC Fall meeting (held November 12) are also available online. Council members are now actively investigating the feasibility of ideas and a locale for a BC Festival of Learning in late May/early June. The Festival is intended to bring together leaders of centres, senior leadership in institutions, faculty members, staff, educational developers, educational technologies people, student support groups etc. The event may be comprised of multi-day or single day intensives, shorter workshops, socialization and networking opportunities, sessions and presentations, gatherings and celebrations – all rolled into one week and accessible online where possible. Stay tuned for more information in January and how you may contribute.


Brainstorming for Festival of Learning

Fall Council Meeting

Fall Council Meeting